Microplastic - a tiny indvader which gives us slow poison

Microplastics: Tiny Invader

No doubt that plastic covers are the go-to bags for every small business because it is affordable and also the first thing that comes to mind in case of packing.

What no one realized is the minuscule menaces that we send along with that. Let’s see about that here.

What are Microplastics

Imagine this: you’re enjoying a refreshing dip in the ocean, waves lapping against your skin, the sun warming your face. Everything feels idyllic, right?

But beneath the surface, a hidden threat lurks. Tiny plastic particles, barely visible to the naked eye, are swirling around you. These are microplastics, and they’re everywhere – from the deepest trenches of the Mariana Trench to the snow-capped peaks of Mount Everest.

These come in two ways:

  • Primary microplastics: These are deliberately manufactured to be tiny, like the exfoliating beads in some facial scrubs or the glitter that adds sparkle to your favorite holiday decorations.
  • Secondary microplastics: These are the breakdown products of larger plastic items, like water bottles or shopping bags, that slowly fragment over time due to sunlight, wind, and waves.

The problem is, these tiny plastic bits are relentless. Marine animals can ingest them, mistaking them for food because they are so small. They can contaminate our drinking water and even find their way into our food chain.

Understanding How Microplastics affect human

As we know now that microplastics are not visible to our naked eye, we also should now realize that these are sneaky invaders that sneak into the food we eat.


Microplastics contaminate our seafood, fruits, vegetables, and even drinking water. They can hitch a ride on dust particles, settle on crops, and even leach from plastic packaging.

It’s about time we realized that microplastics are having an impact on the next generation before they start to live their life!

Indeed! Now that we are ingesting microplastics from fruits, vegetables, seafood, cow’s milk, and other sources, these microscopic intruders have even been discovered in mother’s milk.

We inhale them with every breath. Microplastics are now found in the lungs of people living in both urban and rural areas.

They are the unwanted guest in our body which is again transported to the next generation by default. It goes on and end but never really ends.

Can we say that this is karma? We are currently suffering because we are the introduced plastic into the world? Ohhh we don’t want to get into that topic now… What’s done is done, time to rectify!

Be aware of What microplastics does your body?

Now that we have uncovered the fact that microplastics are discovered in the human body, let’s become aware of what they do to our bodies.

Microplastics in our body:

  • Gut Gremlins: They infiltrate our bodies through food and water, disrupting the delicate balance of gut bacteria, causing stomach grumbles, inflammation, and potentially paving the way for more serious ailments. Think of them as tiny plastic chefs stirring up trouble inside us.
  • Cellular Spies: Studies suggest they can damage human cells, causing oxidative stress, and maybe even playing a role in DNA damage. They’re like microscopic vandals spray-painting our cellular walls with plastic graffiti.
  • Chemical Couriers: Microplastics often carry harmful chemicals, like BPA, leaching into our bodies and disrupting hormones. Imagine them as tiny plastic Trojan horses loaded with chemical ammunition, infiltrating our hormonal balance.
  • Immune System Invaders: They might trigger an inflammatory response, putting our immune system on constant alert, exhausting its defences, and potentially leaving us vulnerable to other threats. Think of them as plastic alarm bells constantly ringing inside us, keeping our body’s army forever on edge.

That’s not it. The harm goes beyond our bodies. Microplastics contaminate the entire ecosystem, creating a domino effect:

  • Marine Mayhem: Fish mistake them for food, ingesting them and filling their stomachs with plastic instead of vital nutrients. 
  • Bird Traps: Seabirds choke on them, mistaking them for tasty morsels. Their nests become tangled plastic mazes, their chicks suffocating in a sea of discarded confetti.
  • The Plastic Loophole: These plastic particles travel up the food chain, potentially ending up on our plates in the fish we eat. This is like the game of plastic telephone, consequences serve themselves on a platter.

Gut-wrenching right? No worries. When there’s a problem, there’s always a solution, so, to find the solution, find the right problem.

Unfortunately, we the product-based companies are the problem here but the fortunate in unfortunate is the solution is right here with us!

We have the opportunity to stop people from searching paranoid questions like “where do microplastics come from?”, “Which product contains microplastics?” and so goes many more.

And so, the simple solution is just Sustainable packaging!

What is sustainable packaging

Sustainable packaging embraces nature’s bounty – think recycled paper, responsibly sourced wood, and even mushrooms or algae! Imagine packaging grown, not manufactured, a green revolution blooming on our shelves. We create Sustainable packaging with reincarnation in mind. In other words, these are Eco-friendly carry bags.

When a package finally reaches its inevitable end, it shouldn’t leave a plastic ghost behind. Biodegradable materials, like those derived from plants or compostable polymers, decompose gently, returning to the Earth they came from like whispered apologies.

So, why not try something simple to save a whole generation? We as product owners can kick start the plastic-free mission by just replacing the packaging materials with non-plastic packaging.

Remember, every green package chosen is a vote for a healthier planet. Together, we can weave a new story on store shelves, a story where packaging becomes a hero, but not a villain, in the saga of our planet.

Let’s rewrite the end of the packaging story, one green choice at a time.


This can be the first step to reduce microplastics. The fight against microplastics is a marathon, not a sprint. But every step we take, every plastic straw swapped, every reusable bag used, is a victory.

Let’s not wait for someone else but you to clean up the plastic confetti. Let’s be the change, the party poopers, the confetti sweepers who turn the tide on this silent invasion. Together, we can rewrite the story of microplastics, ending with a world where the only confetti falling is the joyous kind, celebrating a future free from plastic.

Are Microplastics Harmful?

Although their complete influence on human health is unknown, microplastics are a cause for concern. Through food and inhalation, we ingest them, and they might contain dangerous compounds. Research suggests some dangers, but further studies are needed to confirm them.

Can Microplastics cause cancer?

The link between microplastics and cancer is being investigated, but not confirmed. Some studies suggest a possible connection, while others haven’t found a definitive link. More research is needed to understand the long-term effects.

How Microplastics are formed?

Over time, plastic bags, bottles, and other items break down from sun exposure and wear into tiny pieces, becoming microplastics.

When were microplastics discovered?

Microplastic debris was first observed in the ocean in the 1970s, but the term “microplastic” itself wasn’t coined until 2004.

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